Gun Lua C Script

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Sep 10th, 2017
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  1. local hum = char:WaitForChild('Humanoid')--the npc's humanoid
  2. local animation = hum:LoadAnimation(script.Animation)--finds the animation inside the script and loads it in the npc's humanoid
  3. if char ~=nilthen--this just checks if the npc exists
  4. end
  5. --i recommend using looped animations for the best experience
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Gun lua script robloxGun Lua C Script

Gun Lua Script

I was looking at a video and got the script but the gun doesn't move. Here is the link Rotate or Aim Towards Mouse or Object in 2D - Unity ENG - YouTube N1NNIE, Dec 6, 2020. This new script for Arsenal is the best script Ive ever tried for this game, It comes with powerful aimbot with god mode and BHops, you can also crash the server. Its worth a look. Features: Gun Mods - God Mode - Silent Aim - B Hops - Third Person - Crash The Server.

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